David Butler | General Manager
M: +44 (0)7903 223 558 | E: [email protected]
David is the day to day lead for the organisation, responsible for planning, implementing and executing European Rugby League's strategy. Reporting to the Board of Directors, David has responsibility for every component of running the business, managing the ERL staff and projects, administering ERL competitions and supporting the membership and increasing the organisation's and members' capacity.
Remond Safi | Regional Director - Middle East & Africa
M: +44 (0)7564 214365 | E: [email protected]
Remond leads on growing Rugby League in the Middle East & Africa region and is currently supporting the Americas region too. Remond takes the lead role in growing, developing and delivering the MEA Championships, improving technical, participation and governance for the region and working with new federations to become members and with existing member federations to move through the tiers of membership. Remond is also leading the Middle East & Africa Steering Committee who are working towards establishing an independent confederation for the region.
Phil Caplan |Media Manager
M: +44 (0)7850 719412| E: [email protected]
Phil takes responsibility for writing and distributing European Rugby League's press releases and written media, preparing stories from across the confederation showcasing the work of both the confederation and its members in growing and developing Rugby League. During competitions, Phil takes the lead on preparing squad announcements, previews, match reports and other interest pieces around the championships.
Tom Mather|Match Officials Manager
M: +44 (0)77816 372761| E: [email protected]
Tom leads on the training, development and deployment of match officials across the confederation and heads a network of match officials tutors who in turn train educators within national federations to grow the numbers and improve the standards of match officials in their country. Tom is responsible for the creation and development of training and development materials and plays a leading role in the use of the ERL's Tutor Education Portal.
Martin Crick | Coaching Manager
M: +44 (0) 7741 287783| E: [email protected]
Martin leads on the training and development of coaches across the confederation and works with educators within national federations to train and develop coaches in their country. Martin is responsible for the creation and development of training and development materials, including the Level 1 and Level 2 coaching courses.
James Vukmirovic | Webmaster
M: +44 (0) 7891898562 | E: [email protected]
James is responsible for the updating of the European Rugby League website through adding news stories, fixtures and results and member country information and ensuring the information on the website is up to date.