About ERL

9 Apr 2020

The European Rugby League Federation is the confederation for Rugby League in Europe, North & Central America, the Middle East and Africa. 

It oversees and co-ordinates the development of the sport in all its member countries and territories, as well as neighbouring organisations that choose to link to the ERL.

There are three levels of affiliation; Full, Affiliate and Observer Members. Full Members receive four votes, Affiliate Members two vote, and Observers no votes at Council. 

The Members form the Council or general assembly and can vote at the AGM. France and England, as senior Full Members, have a combined veto power over the Council. 

Directors are mandated for terms of three-years. The RFL and FFRXIII each have one seat on the Board; three seats are voted by the Membership, and four seats reserved for Independent Directors. The chair is elected by the Directors and must be drawn from the Independent Directors. 

The ERL, as a confederation, is an Associate Member of the International Rugby League.