Tomorrow (Friday) sees the launch of the first German championship, or Bundesliga, marking the culmination of feverish efforts in recent months by Rugby League Deutschland. Heidelberg and Hochspeyer Sharks kick off the five-team domestic competition, with the Grand Final scheduled for August. Rugby league, which started in Germany in 2006, has to date focused on representative fixtures but a new Board, elected in February, changed the approach with the development of clubs and local players the priority of new president Max Schoengen and his colleagues.
“I’m really proud of the development and we’re taking the first steps to build a great Bundesliga,” he said at the launch. “I’m really looking forward to the start of the season. The main point is that we now have a lot of rugby league happening and now we can give the sport the visibility in Germany it deserves.”
His sentiments were echoed by Jovan Vujosevic, Rugby League European Federation Central Europe Regional Director. “Germany has excellent sporting potential in all team sports and is one of the strongest EU economies, which opens opportunities for our growth,” he commented.“Sustainable clubs and a competitive Bundesliga will generate a strong German rugby league federation and national team.”
Rheinland Reds, Schoengen’s own side Calbach Racoons and Karlruhe complete the line up.