The Serbian Rugby League Federation held its annual awards at prominent Belgrade establishment Restaurant Dvoriste where newly appointed President Predrag Pantic outlined his hopes and objectives for the future.
“The most important aim is to strengthen the existing and establish new centres and to better connect with local governments,” said Pantic, who succeeds Nebojsa Sretenovic.. “Things are moving in right direction.“
Among the guests at the packed event were legendary Serbian athlete Dane Korica, representing the Serbian Spot Association; British military attaché Colonel William English, as well as representatives from the Serbian Military Academy and Milan Milosevic, professor at FORKUP university, one of the biggest sponsors of the Serbian Rugby League Federation in 2011.
“We want to support this great project which was serves our enthusiastic cadets,” noted Colonel Dragan Djini from the Serbian Army Military Academy. “Rugby league is important for the Serbian Army because the sport contains everything that makes a good soldier - determination, courage, perseverance, discipline, team spirit and mutual support. Our desire is to play the game at an international level and we already have contacts with the RAF and the Russians.”
Dalibor Vukanovic of champions Dorcol won the Serbian player of the year award; the best national team player went to veteran hooker Zoran Pesic (RLC Red Star); young player of the year was presented to Pero Madzarevic (RLC Radnicki); rookie of the year went to Mihailo Boskovic (RLC Stari Grad); Mirko Bozovic (RLC Stari Grad) was voted the most improved player and coach of the year went to Marko Jankovic (RLC Dorcol).
Radoslav Novakovic was named best match official, Zivorada Vuksanovic was accorded volunteer of the year; a special award for contribution to development went to Dejan Skaric and Leskovac RLFC won the fair play award.