Nationaler Rugby League Deutschland
Nationaler Rugby League Deutschland e.V.(NRLD) was appointed as the National Governing Body for rugby league in Germany in June 2015. It replaced the defunct Rugby League Deutschland which had been affiliated with the ERL since 2007 and which was dissolved in March 2015. NRLD became an Affiliate Member in December 2017.
The NGB is set up as a “registered club” (eingetragener Verein) under German law, which is very similar to a limited company with not-for-profit status. This entails following a formal procedure which includes having a signed copy of the Articles of Association lodged with the local District Court and approval by the local Tax Office.
There is a three-man Board elected by the members which is supported by an extended Management Board for the day-to-day running of the organisation. The Management Board is also approved by the members. Positions on the Board are held for 2 years, with re-election possible.
The mandate of the Board is all-encompassing and is summarised in the vision-statement “To develop and maintain the Rugby League community in Germany so that the sport becomes a sustainable and recognised part of the German sporting landscape”
The focus is on developing grassroots rugby league. NRLD recognizes the need to develop interest among the youth and various initiatives are planned to increase awareness of and participation in the sport.
There have been sides representing Germany at rugby league since 2006. The national team will continue to be the pinnacle of achievement for German players and the plan is that the increase in participation numbers will result in increased competition for places and thus improved performance on the international stage.
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