11 Nov 2015

In a groundbreaking move for the sport, representatives from the Rugby Football League (RFL), the Rugby League European Federation (RLEF) and the Fédération Française de Rugby à XIII  (FFRXIII) met over the weekend to discuss and form a joint plan to develop match officials across the Northern Hemisphere.

The gathering in Manchester discussed development of a match officials pathway, including a joint and collective approach to recruitment and ideas, to ensure officials from all areas are given equal access to the performance environment.

Tom Mather, Match Officials Manager from the RLEF said: “It's great to see the progress that has been made and I am really excited about the opportunities here to tie together the recruitment and training process for match officials right across the board.”

The meeting focussed primarily on the community  game and also how to retain match officials, which is part of a wider project being undertaken by the governing bodies.

RFL Programmes Director Julia Lee said: “This was an important opportunity to get like-minded people in the same room and begin to broaden the base of officials, offering the same opportunities wherever they live in the Northern Hemisphere. It is part of the 2015–2021 Match Officials strategy which looks at increasing both the number and quality.”

The workshop was facilitated by Janie Frampton, one of the first females to officiate professional football and former Head of Learning at the FA. She is now a Director of Sports Officials UK and supports the development of match officials around the U.K.

Janie was supported by Jane Harvey, former CEO of Scotland SnowSport, who specialises in sports officials’ learning and development. The workshop was attended by RFL officers Julia Lee, Ben Thaler and Danny McNeice; Tom Mather from the RLEF and Thierry Alibert, the Head of Match Officials at the FFRXIII.

The day was supported  by John Hickson from Rugby League Learning and academic Alan Williams from the University of Nottingham.