Following successful level 2 coaching and match officials
courses in Barcares, near Perpignan - involving cluster group Netherlands,
Belgium and Ireland RL – as part of the part-EU funded Training and Education
project, there has been agreement to recognise and adopt joint technical
qualifications between the RLEF and French Federation for the first time.
This significant collaboration follows on from the
RLEF/Asia-Pacific accord to develop joint coaching qualifications, to be
launched in January 2019, which are significant steps towards the development
of a global suite of accreditation.
Six candidates took part on the coaching course and they
will gain their final graduation on completion of the CPD (continuing
professional development) aspect.
“It was an historic occasion for European rugby league,”
said RLEF coach development manager, Martin Crick. “This was the first time
that the French Federation has taken a lead role in coach development for the
RLEF, led by Laurent Dupuy. "It was a great pleasure to work alongside such an
experienced coach, and an invaluable learning experience for all concerned.
Even more significant was an agreement reached between the federation and the
RLEF to recognise each other’s qualifications and to work together to harmonise
the two.”
Belgian coach-educator candidate, Francois Gillet, commented: “I had a
wonderful time at the camp and have learned so much and met so many passionate
and motivated people from European rugby league.”
As well as the seven candidates, the head of match officials
and technical director with the English Rugby Football League, Steve Ganson and
his counterpart from the French Federation, Mohammed Drizza were observers of
the match officials course.
According to Tom Mather, the RLEF’s match officials manager:
“All the participants passed, with those from the French Federation showing
great promise from an educator perspective. We are taking large strides in
aligning match officials education between the RLEF, FFR XIII and the RFL.”
The TEP is a three-year, €723.000 investment into capacity
building through good governance and technical training, funded by €466.000
from the EU’s Erasmus+ project and the remainder from the RLIF and five of its
full members. It is intended to build the knowledge and skills of the RLEF’s 21
European members, divided into six regional clusters, through high quality training
and mentoring, while granting opportunities to share experiences amongst fellow
Europeans dedicated to rugby league development.
Pictured: French technical leaders debrief federation officials with RLEF and RLIF staff.