15 Jul 2011

Code13 Sports Media will dress the Malta Knights national rugby league team for its opening 2011 European Shield clash against Germany next weekend at Hochspeyer.
The kit, from the MRL’s existing Official Web Partner, was won thanks to Valletta FC Premier League defender Steve Borg.
Code13 Sports Media’s Steven Devonshire commented “We're delighted to provide the Maltese National Team with a kit for use in the European Shield game against Germany.”
“We've been working with the MRL since 2009 so it's great to continue working with them moving forwards.”
Steve Borg entered the competition on behalf of Maltese Rugby League and won the ‘keepie uppie’ challenge, a competition organised by Code13 Sports Media based on the form of juggling - on this occassion with a rugby league ball.
23-year-old Borg said “Rugby league is making much progress throughout Malta and bringing us valid results, it’s a pleasure to be able to have assisted the national team in getting kitted out for the big game against Germany”
The MRL's association with youth and football continues this week with the MRL delivering rugby league sessions to the youth nursery teams at Mosta FC as the club prepares for its return to the Maltese Premier League. The MRL has also previously worked with Mgarr FC.