27 Jul 2013

RLEF Coaching Manager Martin Crick visited the Czech Republic to assess improvements to the local CZRLA’s corps of technical tutors, following an initial failed assessment in July 2012. Minimum standards across all the RLEF countries both on and off the field are an integral part of the Leonardo da Vinci programme-backed Technical Foundation Project, in order to ensure the safety of all participants.

Crick commented on the clear improvement in CZRLA delivery and noted lead tutor David Lahr’s “fantastic progress” since his last visit to the Czech Republic. A total of 16 trainers from 8 teams passed the Level 1 course delivered in the Czech language by Czech tutors for the first time.

In a total of three lectures taught by coaches covering philosophy, game strategy. psychology of players, management training and athletic, fitness and strength training. The second day passed with all participants tested on leadership with a 20th minute training session on the topic.

Another trainer courses level 1 and 2 are scheduled for spring 2014.