The last of the RLEF’s five regions has completed Phase 2 of the federation’s technical strategy, with Ukrainian staff leading a four-day course overseen by RLEF Coaching Manager, Martin Crick.
The Russian rugby league (ARLK) hosted the course in Rostov-on-Don, at the Rostov State Transport University. Vladimir Kuschnerchuk, the head of the ARLK’s southern operations and one of the Russian coach tutor candidates, said “This was a huge step forward for Russian rugby league. The Ukrainians shared with us the most modern techniques, we gained invaluable experience which allows us to train specialists in the field, and now we are ready to share it with our athletes."
Kuschnerchuk was joined by Petr Botnarash and Vadim Fedchuk from Moscow and Alex Lysokon from the Moscow oblast (region) south of the capital.
The coaching strategy, begun in March last year, has now seen twelve Western Europe, twelve Central Europe, seven MENA, four Atlantic and eight Eastern Europe coach-tutor candidates progress. Phase 3, which will see members of Crick’s team visiting the individual countries to assess the coach-tutors delivering a Level 1 RLEF Coaching Course to their compatriots, is currently in progress.
The Ukrainian (UFRL) delegation, led by the experienced Artur Martyrosyan, consisted of staff from Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkov. Sergey Kravchenko, Vladimir Mazepa and Igor Iyrkin, were supported by Gennady Vepryk, UFRL’s administration manager, who was keen to expand his technical knowledge.
Martyrosyan was very satisfied with the continuing progress being made in Eastern Europe. “We express our deep gratitude to RSTU for help in organising such an important forum. The course considered all aspects of the game, from its techniques and tactics, as well as questions of the construction and organization ofthe team. The work was conducted according to a busy schedule and achieved excellent results.”
“The commitment of the participants was evident in that many had travelled overnight to be present,” said Crick, the architect of the RLEF’s coaching strategy. “The sport in the two countries may still be in its developmental phase but with the energy and enthusiasm shown here it is sure to expand rapidly. The excellence of the Ukrainian staff in attendance was particularly pleasing.”
RLEF General Manager Danny Kazandjian commented, “In 2012 we started seeing nations taking their first steps in organising and qualifying their own coaches and match officials and this will increase in 2013. It’s also very significant to note that five nations – Jamaica, Ireland, Lebanon, Serbia and Russia – organised and financially hosted their own Phase 2 cluster courses, which demonstrates a growing maturity and capability in some of our governing bodies.”
Pictured: UFRL coaching supremo Artur Martyrosyan is assessed delivering to young Russian players.